Exotic-Spiders.com (offer)

Exotic-Spiders.com (offer)

Avicularia hirschii// purpurea/ marienae/ sp Ecuador/ minatrix
Homoeomma chilensis/ Davus sp Panama / Cyriopagups sp Valhalla
Ornithoctoninae sp Phan Cay/ Vietnam silver/ Cho Chi Minh/ Black Femur
Grammostola rosea red/ pulchra/ porteri
Typochlaena seladonia
Theraphosa blodni/ apophysis
Ybyrapora diversipes/ sooretama
Phormingochilus sp Sabah Red/ pennellhewlettorum/ Sabah Blue
Xenesthis megascopula/ immanis/ bright/ light
and many more on http://www.Exotic-Spiders.com

Retail/ Wholesale
Safely shipping with UPS express (24-48h max) in all EU.
+48576181290 (what’s app)



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